A Journey into the Slovak Paradise
Here is another entry from Alex’ and my exploring of Slovakia with a backpack on our shoulders. We started off by through-hiking the Low Tatras, and then headed to the High Tatras for few day hikes. Make sure to check those out if you haven’t done so yet.
August 25th, 2011
We left Banská Bystrica on the 10am train towards Dobšiná, a village near the world-heritage Dobšinská Ice Cave, and also the entry to the southern end of the Slovak Paradise National Park (Slovenský Raj Národný Park). We were originally planning on heading to the park few days earlier – after finishing the Low Tatras hike and before heading to the High Tatras. But our plans changed when we couldn’t find a place to sleep in Telgárt, and ended up in Poprad with the rest of our hiking buddies. Turns out, this was actually a stroke of good luck.
Remember the ice storm that hit the High Tatras as we were sipping beers and munching on halušky in Tatranská Lomnica? Turns out, this same storm headed next to Slovak Paradise and caused a significant amount of damage, especially in the village of Stratená, where we would find ourselves tonight. In this village, many roofs lost their shingles due to the heavy hail. But more disconcerting to us was hearing on the news that the storm also claimed the life of a hiker in the Slovak Paradise Park. The hiker got killed when a large number of trees fell “all of a sudden” on top of him. We were quite glad to be learning this in the warmth of my dad’s living room instead of experiencing it first hand in the park.
By the time we set off to the park, the storm had passed, and we were treated to a mostly wonderful weather over the next few days.
The train to Dobšinská Ice Cave and the village of Stratená (meaning Lost). The trail into the Slovak Paradise park follows the valley.
From the train stop for the ice cave it is about an hour walking to get to the cave entrance. This includes climbing a fairly significant hill. The cave is absolutely spectacular. Not sure why, but I decided no to pay the extra few euros for a photo pass and thus don’t have any pictures from the inside. But you can get the idea by searching on Google. It looks sort of like the Superman’s Cove. It’s cold on the inside (obviously), about -2oC. The cave has only a single opening on top, which allows the warm air to escape. The cold air gets in during the winter and keeps the cave cold. The ice features continuously melt and refreeze so the cave never looks the same twice.
From the cave we started heading on the blue trail towards the village of Stratená, which made the news the day before due to the storm damage. This was also the best place to spend the night before heading into the national park. Unfortunately we started heading the wrong way, and realized this only once we were most of the way down the steep hill. Crap! Then as we passed the cave and finally started moving towards Stratená, a thunderstorm rolled in. At least it seemed like it will, as we kept hearing troubling rumbling in the near distance. So again, we headed down the hill, towards the road and a restaurant, we figured we’ll ride the storm out there. But the storm never came, and we decided to continue walking to Stratená on the road. The road to Stratená is also the way the red route of Heroes of Slovak National Uprising takes as it crosses the entire country. This hike was quite rough on my feet – my feet were still sore from having to walk back to my dad’s house the day before in sandals from the swimming pool, and this long walk on pavement did not help.
Sign advertising a room for rent in the village. This is where we stayed. The land lady was really nice and just 3 days ago became an owner of a new kitten.
We didn’t have any ideas as to where to stay, but luckily, finding accommodation in the village was not hard at all. Several houses advertised Ubytovanie (lodging) and “Zimmer Frei” (room available, in German). We stayed with Anna H. The grandpa was in the front yard as we passed by, and went in to call the lady when we asked about the rate (I noticed that in Slovakia it’s often the women who control the purse). She offered us a room for 10 Euro per person per night. Right after we came in, a Polish couple also came in and took a room in the attic. The funny thing about Slovak grandmas is that they are so similar. Talking with this lady was just like spending time with my grandma Terka. She started telling us how we are lucky to travel when we are young, and how important it is do travel while you can, since you never know what will happen. Then the conversation shifted to the various ailments and ills of the world. Later on, the Polish guy came talking to me. From my limited understanding of Polish, I realized he was saying one of the lights in their room doesn’t work and he wanted me to fix it. After I explained to him I am also a guest and don’t live in the house, he felt bit embarrassed. I guess he thought I was the lady’s grandson. We had a great dinner that night at Penzion Šafran on the other end of the village. I had a greasy but absolutely delicious kapustnica and strapačky (saurkraut halušky) along with a baked pork shoulder. Alex had a pea soup and a stuffed chicken breast. Then on the way back we stopped at the Hostinec u Starej Krčmy (Inn at the Old Pub) for some beers. The TV was showing “Superkombat!”. It was some Romanian guy against an American. The Romanian was throwing many punches and totally dominated the first 2 rounds. Then he took a single hit, went down, and was done. I am sure he became a national disgrace.
August 26th, 2011
This was our room in the guest house. The green trail was in a pretty bad shape.
Scenery on our way to Kláštorisko, including steps along the final steep section.
The next morning after breakfast we said our goodbyes and headed up the green trail to the park. This first section was in a rough shape, I guess it doesn’t get much foot traffic. We arrived at Občasný prameň (Occasional Spring) just as some hippie chick appeared out of nowhere with her dog. They probably live in the woods. The rivers here were crystal clear. From there we continued on the green, red, and green trail again to Kláštorisko. This main crossroad in the park is named after an old kláštor (monastery) that used to stand here. The final approach on the yellow trail is very steep, which is also why the monks chose this place. It was very difficult to get to the plateau on which the monastery stood and hence it was not attacked easily. Kláštorisko is one of the few places where you can spend a night in the park. As we found out earlier, on the hike through the Low Tatras, in Slovakia you can’t just camp anywhere the way it works in the US. Instead, you must stay at designated locations, which often means staying in a hut.
The lady running this place didn’t want to rent us one of the 8 or so huts, despite most being empty. She was making up some excuse about the shower not having hot water. I think she just didn’t want to deal with guests (attitudes like this are a remnant from the socialist times and are still quite common with the older generation). Only after pleading with her for about 30 minutes and explaining we walked for 7 hours to get here, she finally relented. The hot water worked fine, by the way.
We dropped off our packs in the hut and then headed back to the restaurant for beers and Kofola. Alex also ordered buchty na pare and fried cheese. It was really weird seeing Alex eat so much on this trip. He told me later that it was a really strange feeling for him too, he was constantly eating but also constantly hungry. Maybe he just really liked the Slovak food
Alex having one of his many dinners, and me double fisting beer and a Kofola.
This is a picture of the Kláštorisko restaurant and the view from our hut.
These two pictures are just for fun. I generally make small fixes to images before posting them by adjusting “levels” in Gimp (free Photoshop alternative). This improves the contrast which is especially needed for photos from my point-and-shoot Cannon (the pictures from this trip came from the Nikon DSLR purchased in part thanks to your donations.) The above picture was bit beyond repair so I just started playing with some of the options. Here are just two examples of some image manipulations: drastic change in levels, and thresholding. I particularly like how thresholding can identify feature in the image that may get lost otherwise. I’ve actually used this in the past for work-related image analysis, trying to find data in images that was not visible with the naked eye.
Prielom Hornádu (Breach of the Hornád River)
Slovak Paradise National Park is home of some amazing flora and fauna, just see below. But that’s not what makes this park famous. Instead, it is its various rugged via ferrata routes. The next morning we took off to conquer probably the most famous one, Prielom Hornádu.
Some amazing flora and fauna we saw along the way.
This giant fly landed on Alex’s leg and wouldn’t come off.
We started our adventure by heading down the yellow trail towards the blue river route. The blue route follows the Hornád River as it makes its way through the deep canyon. The route in many parts consists of flat metal planks attached to the side of the rock. These are not particularly difficult, but in some places are quite high above the surface of the water. This route also goes both ways (some more difficult trails are one-way only) so occasionally you have to squeeze two people on a plank that looks to be barely wide enough for one. And there were a lot of people here! We Slovaks love the outdoors and it shows, even though many of the people here were Poles (and Czechs in the Tatras).
We made a loop out of our trip, and at Radosť we took the yellow trail that follows the cliff above the river. We thought we’ll get some neat views from up here, but this was not the case. Even though on the map it appears the yellow trail may be following near the edge, most of the trail is in a forest with no views. We made our way towards to Letanovský Mlyn (mlyn means a mill). There a group of gypsy kids was running around the bridge and making a lot of ruckus. One of them, a 15 year old girl, kept asking us for money for her baby. We got out of there as quickly as we could. We got back on the blue trail and did the second half towards our starting point. We took the green route back. This section was much more interesting, as it had few ladders along the side of a waterfall – this gave us a taste of what to expect the next day.
Alex slept in the hammock the first night. I now bivy-less had to settle for our moldy cabin.
Much of the blue trail is like this, you walk on these metal planks attached to the cliff. At some particularly tight spot you can end up with a traffic jam. In the first picture Alex doesn’t look too happy having to wait for a bottleneck to clear up.
The left picture is one of my favorite photos from the entire trip. I ended up taking about 20 shots until I got one just right – I wanted to capture the hey in detail over a blurry background of sheep. We ran into this flock on our way up towards the yellow trail.
The sheep from above, with the village of Spišská Koliba in the background. Later on, on the way back to Kláštorisko, Alex spotted this tree hanging over the river and had to go walk on top of it. Crazy! (click on the image to open the full-sized version)
Here are few photos of the Kláštorská Kotlina (kotlina means ravine) through which the green route goes. It contains several ladder and chain reinforced routes the Slovak Paradise Park is famous for.
I tried to capture the steepness of the terrain with the first photo but I don’t know if the photo does it justice. The second picture is just me playing with ultra-fast shutter speeds to capture the actual water droplets in a waterfall.
This are the ruins of the monastery. It dates back to 1299. We walked around after getting back and relaxed in the large grass field.
Suchá Belá
The next morning we took off for another day hike, this time up Suchá Belá (Dry “white-one”) which is another famous trail in the park. This trail along with the one from yesterday have an entrance fee of 1.5 Euro per person. I suppose these are similar to the fees collected at American national parks and help with the maintenance. Seeing the heavy traffic, I am sure the fees come in handy. This trail is really nice but don’t expect much solitude here – it was quite crowded! Throw in the ladders and chains and Alex said his first impression was of an amusement park.
Shots of wooden bridges used to cross the creek.
Here is one of the first big ladders (click on the image for the full version). This one wasn’t particularly bad since it wasn’t very steep. Also a neat canyon.
The trail then continues along metal planks and is supported by chains.
Some of the later ladders are quite steep and intimidating. Like this one. Alex flew up this ladder, I was much more cautious (despite having climbed most of the US highpoints, I am no fan of heights!). The second picture shows the view from the top of one of smaller ones. There is a ladder between the two sections of planks. My biggest problem was transitioning from the ladder to the planks since once you get to the top there is not much to hold on to.
After we got back, we treated ourselves with delicious instant goulash. I brought few of these packets back with me to the US, and they are really great for hiking.
After we got back we made some soup and headed back to the restaurant for beers, Kofola, and Alex’ daily fried cheese. I was feeling pretty lousy today, didn’t sleep much, plus my feet were really bothering me. I suspect it was due to a combination of walking on pavement in my hometown and on the way to Stratená. We walked on the blue route to Čertova Sihoť, which supposedly was the place where the hiker got killed few days ago in the storm. We found a spot with some sort of a cross on the trail, but no obvious sign of downed trees. I finished all my food today, except for one packet of oatmeal. This was our final camping day so this was fine.
Later on we headed back to the restaurant, we mainly wanted to know what the commotion was all about. It was “after hours”, after the day hikers had left, and the workers were on the porch drinking and talking. We started talking with them and later stopped by the hut in which they were staying. One of them was trying to heat up a large kettle of goulash over the fire. The wood was wet so it wouldn’t light. He poured some alcohol on it, but that didn’t help either. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a car appeared. An old man, maybe in his late 70’s got out right next to us. All he said was “You need to blow into the fire”. Then he got back in the car, and the car drove off. It was completely surreal.
Continue onto the last part of our journey: Spiš Castle and rafting in Pieniny.
You are brave souls to hike these trails! I can’t imagine doing that. Great photos…thanks for sharing this. I love to see the scenery…beautiful.
Thanks Janet. This whole trip (starting with the Low Tatras) was really awesome. I am really glad we got a chance to do it.
Thanks so much for all the posts. My grandparents left Slovakia in early 1900’s and I always tried to imagine the country my Baba talked about. Also….Slovak women always managed the purse strings in my family too. Must be a trait!
Loved reading about your adventures. I would love to visit the homeland of my grandparents. You are quite adventurous!!!
Oh… forgot to ask. Did you happen on a village called Kuty?
Hi Lori, no, that village is in Western Slovakia, right on the Czech border. We spent most of our time in Central Slovakia, that’s where the big mountains are.
Hello Lori, municipality Kúty / Corners/ is at the border of Slovakia and Moravia. The region is called Záhorie. Kúty are an important railway junction.
Kúty, Kúty to je pěkné městečko,
Kúty, Kúty tam jsem nechal srdéčko.
/:Moja milá spátky mi ho nedala,
že sa oň ho lepší než já postará:/
Kúty, Kúty to je pěkné městečko,
Kúty, Kúty tam jsem nechal srdéčko,
/: stokrát můžeš ode mňa ho dneska chcet
ani za svět ti ho nedám spátky věz:/
Kúty, Kúty to je pěkné městečko,
Kúty, Kúty tam je moje srdéčko,
/: Odkal prišlo, tam sa spátky nevráti,
dobre mu je milá v tvojom zajatí :/
Kuty, Kuty it is nice little town,
Kúty is where I left my heart.
/: My dear won’t give it back to me,
that she will take better care of it than me :/
Kuty, Kuty it is nice little town,
Kúty, where I left my heart,
/: A hundred times today you may want it from me
not even for the world would I give it back :/
Kuty, Kuty it is nice little town,
Kuty, there is where I left my heart,
/: From where it came, there it won’t return,
it’s doing fine in your embrace :/
/srdéčko- heart/
Hi Josephine, I made few corrections to the English translation in your post. It had bunch of words still in Slovak, or the sentences didn’t make sense. Google Translate?
Ahoj Luboš, pieseň je v záhoráckom nárečí s prvkami moravského nárečia. Preto si s ňou Google Translate neporadilo.
Hej Zahoracke narecie zatial neni jedna z moznosti na Google Translate
Thanks for the info…. I would like to visit there sometime and see if I still have relatives.
I will ask my mother if she had ever heard of the song… I can’t recall my grandfather singing it.
Thanks again!
Lubos, that was quite an adventure. I printed your recipe for kettle goulash. It looks good. Probably tastes better in the outdoors.I enjoy your newsletter and have passed it on to Cousins .
Be well and God Bless!’
Elizabeth Johnson
Thanks Elizabeth. I do like to travel!
This is a little aside, but one great thing about working in Slovakia is that people get a lot of vacation time there. My sister has almost two months this year. I haven’t had an actual paid vacation in over 4 years, but it’s ok. I am mainly self-employed so that gives me flexibility with my schedule. Next year me and my fiance (wife by then) are planning to go on a month-long honeymoon through South Asia and the Pacific – can’t wait!
Ľuboš, I am so pleased you had such a great time. I have walked around Slovenský raj and stopped for lunch at the Kláštorisko restaurant too.
Sounds like an amazing honeymoon is ahead for you .My Best Wishes for good health and happinessl.
Elizabeth Johnson
Thanks for taking us through the Slovak Paradise. I had heard about it but I couldn’t visualize the ladders and all. I love your photos and the way you tell the story of the villages, history, and food along the hike. Could I use your photos for a power point or promo? If I can, who should I credit. They’re beautiful!
Judith, of course, feel free to use the photos. For the credit, use “slovakcooking.com”. Also, if you are posting these on your website, it would be great if you could add a link to this originating article (i.e. http://www.slovakcooking.com/2012/blog/slovak-paradise/). Thanks!
thanx for journey report and pics. It brings back a lot of memories.
It looks like they did a good job on trails. The last time I hiked the area was some 40 years ago, and ladders in canyons were falling apart and there were no steel plates or ropes to grab.
Yes, the Slovensky Raj is as beautiful as it always was!
Thanks Miro, it truly is a neat place. This was my first time I am really glad we stopped by.
Love your photos Luboš! We spent a month last year visiting relatives in Spiš and Zemplin, but since I have MS and use a wheelchair Slovenský Raj is out of the question so I really appreciate the great photos and stories! Remind me to tell about accessibility in Slovakia someday!
I really love this blog !
I’m planning to go to Slovakia and I really want to go to the Slovakian paradise ofcourse..
However, I have been looking on the internet but it doesn’t really tell me how you can travel trough the park.. Where can you enter exactly and is it possible to leave your stuff at a little town, visit the park and then return or do you have to keep on going and camp in the park?
If you could help me or give me other advice on what I should see and how you can get from one place to another it would be awesome!
Greetz, Dorine
Dorine, don’t worry about it. Slovensky Raj is fantastic but it’s a small area, some 40 miles across with a few villages and roads going through it. You can stay in one place and make day trips (driving to a hiking trail, spend a day hiking, and coming back to your hotel/motel or B&B).
We are not talking national parks as in the US that are bigger than the whole Slovakia.
Hi Dorine,
One of the problems with visiting much of Slovakia outside the major areas such as Bratislava and High Tatras is that services are still is not up to what you may consider international standards. The town outside of Slovak Paradise has some houses offering rooms for rent (ubytovanie) but this will generally be some grandmother who has room in her house and likely won’t be speaking English. If you know German, Polish, or Russian you may have more luck. But I am sure you will be able to leave your stuff there. Don’t expect any tourist shops or guide services. I don’t know if this is possible, but maybe you could find some local translator to help you out at least the first few days with getting a room and also to help you decode the Slovak bus tables. Another good option could be to just bring a list of phrases you can show to the locals, list containing stuff like “Can I stay here for the next 2 days?” as well as various responses such as “Yes”, or “Sorry, we are full”, and then both of you can just point to what you want to say. We did this in Mongolia, while staying with some nomad family, and it worked out surprisingly well
PS: I will try to put together a list like that shortly.
Lubos is right that the region may not be up to international standards when it comes to services and accommodation, yet, it’s changing.
There are some small hotels/motels especially in a South part of Slovensky Raj (Dedinky, Dopsinska Masa, etc.) Here is a list:
here are some samples:
and here is a “click on map” that shows you how close you would be to all good places to see
Lubos is a “trek guy” likes to hike through the area, I am getting old for that and thus I am looking for more convenient way to visit and see the places in Slovakia
Yeah Miro. But even though there may be penzions, they don’t quite work always the way do in the US. Sometimes, when you get to the penzion, there may just be a number for the owner that you need to call on your cell phone to have him/her come let you in.
Dorine, if possible I suggest you try to figure out where you will stay before you venture out, by visiting those links that Miro suggested. It will make your life much easier if you don’t speak Slovak! I would imagine that most places with internet have people that speak English.
I’m putting my journey together and until now, it’s going well I think, I have found a website that tells me where and when I can take a bus or train so that’s helping a lot!
I will go to malafatra, high tatras and slovakian paradise and will stay 2 days in each.. However, I still have some days left, can you advice me somewhere I really should go or a specific walk I should do in one of the parks?
Thank you for all the advice, it’s really helping!
Dorine, the site I use when looking for transportation is http://cp.atlas.sk/vlakbus/spojenie/. There is a button in the bottom right corner to switch to English. Enjoy your trip! The advice very much depends on your physical abilities. There are some awesome hikes in the High Tatras but many of them require travel on a fairly technical terrain, where you need to pull yourself up with chains or where you may walk on an exposed ridge. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can walk to the many lakes (tarns) and take trams to the peaks.
And I have another question, I would like to visit the Dobšinská Ice Cave; from where should I start to go there?
Doeinw, if you go to Slovak Raj, you are already in the Dobšinská Ice Cave proximity as it is a part of Slovensky Raj. If you stay in a south part of Slovensky Raj, say around “Dedinky” you can make a day hike (around 12 miles round hike) to Dposinska Ice Cave, and going through som nice parts of Slovensky Raj.
Look at this:
We our staying at Podlesok to visit the slovak raj and when i looked it up how to go to the cave the websites tell me to go to Dobsina or Stratena first..
Dorine, I see, you are at the north edge of Slovencky Raj, Dopsinska Ice Cave is on a South part
Not having a car you will need to use a bus. No direct connection but this may work:
Type Hrabušice,,rázc.Podlesok as a starting point and Dedinky, Dobšinská Maša as a destination
It goes around and thus it comes up to some 40 miles (direct distance is about 12 miles) and 3 hours ride and cost about $5. It would get you to Dedinky spend a night there and from there you can make a day trip next day.
superb photography, your photos tell the story other than reading it.. haha
I love Slovensky Raj! I took my husband there on our European honeymoon a few years ago and we got stuck up on the mountain by a huge storm. What better place to be, then surround by metal ladders during a lightning storm! We actually saw a lightning bolt hit the ground not too far from us. Crazy. But just as quickly as the storm rolled in, it was gone. It ended up being more of a problem making our way down after all that rain because the hill became a giant mudslide. I ended completely covered in mud by the time we got to the bottom. My loving husband actually washed my pants for me in the stream at the bottom, while I hid in the car! Still one of my all time places to visit when we go to Slovakia. Anyone even remotely considering going there, should definitely do it. Your pictures of your trip are wonderful. Good job! Thanks for sharing the beauty of Slovakia with the world!
Many thanks for sharing this, I would’ve never known to travel to this town on my trip to france if it was not for your post.
Hi all,
I am really glad this little piece of the country gets so much positive promotion here on this blog. This is my part of the world, I was born and grew up in a nearest town – Spisska Nova Ves and love it there! I live in Australia now (not long time yet) but we have a little hut in the park and I cannot wait to go back there with my kids next year! Thank you all who made an effort to go there and shared your memories.