Press and Publicity Articles

On this page you will find a collection of articles about Slovak Cooking published in various media, as well as electronic versions of articles to publish in your own publication. Unless stated otherwise, you may reprint these articles in your own publication. However, please let me know when the article runs so I can forward a notice to my readers. Also, I appreciate if you could mail me few copies for my collection, where possible. interview: Interview about with Ingrid Slaninková from Slovenský Rozhlas (Slovak Radio).

MOST.doc: Article written for the National Czech and Slovak Museum that appeared in their 2010 Fall-Winter Issue MOST Fall-Winter 2010.pdf

poster-sc.pdf: Slovak Cooking poster that you can display at your events, festivals, church meetings, etc. File size is 9Mb. Two page Word article talking about Slovak Christmas customs, past and present, and several companion photos. This article is scheduled to run in Helene Cincebeaux’ Slovakia Magazine in the December 2010 issue.