Here’s a list of interesting sites pertaining to Slovakia, the Czech republic, our cuisine, travel and traditions. If you know other sites that should be included, please send me an email or leave a comment.
Recipe Pages
Cold Smoking meat preservation article
Bohemian Cooking Book by Marie Blaha Pearson
Z lásky k vareniu (from the love of cooking), in Slovak
Recepty z Indie (recipes from India), Slovak girl blogging from India since 2002
Na Tanieri, Slovak food blog containing many Slovak recipes
Zoom Yummy, many Slovak recipes in English with beautiful photos collection of Christmas treats (in Slovak) (great Czech website with a ton of video recipes)
Contemporary Pierogi
Cooking For Engineers (a great photo-recipe website)
Pauline’s Cookbook
Emperor’s Crumbs
Hungarian Girl (recipes and Hungarian culture)
Czech/Slovak Clubs near Washington, D.C.
Southside Virginia Czech Slovak Heritage Association
Slovak meetup group
Czech meetup group
Slovak American Society of Washington
Sokol Washington
Czech/Slovak Clubs and Events Elsewhere
Phillips Wisconsin Czechoslovak Festival
Czech Events and Cultural Resources
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International (Minnesota)
Canadian Slovak (Kanadský Slovák, Ontario, CA)
Sokol Detroit (Detroit, MI)
St. Cyril and Methodius Slovak Catholic Church (Sterling Heights, MI)
Slovak Heritage & Folklore Society International (SH&FSI)
Czech and Slovak Club (in Kansas City)
Pittsburgh Area Slovak Folk Ensemble (PÁS)
American Slovak Club (in Lorain, OH)
Slovaks in Chicago
Slovak American Cultural Society of the Midwest
Nebraska Czechs
American Czech-Slovak Cultural Club (in North Miami)
Slovak House (in Toronto, Canada)
Czech and Slovak Association (Boston)
Slovak and Czech American Farmers Club (Highstown, NJ)
Slovak-American Cultural Foundation (headquartered in Mundelein, IL)
Lucina Folklore Ensemble (Cleveland, OH)
Veselica Folklore Ensemble (Chicago, IL)
Slovak Goodies
Slovak and Czech Spa Wafers (oblatky)
Carpatia Sausage (Artisan sausage factory in Washington state) (Slovak travel guides and on-line bookstore)
JM Import
SlovCzech Varieties
Smoked Hungarian Sausages
Nut and Poppy Rolls
Really delicious Walnut and Poppy Seed rolls
Slovak Import Company
Czech and Slovak Groceries (mail order in the UK).
Slovakia Travel
Castles in Slovakia on
Slovakia Gourmet Tours
Treasure Tours with Helene Cincebeaux
Travel Slovakia, Slovak tour operators
Country Info
Genealogy Research Strategies
Historical maps of Europe
Farm in Slovakia, blog by folks living on a Slovak farm since 2008, info about various regions in Slovakia
Official Travel Site
Come to Slovakia (great site but many years out of date)
Slovakia tourist guide and country facts
Slovakia – Heart of Europe
Vlado’s Virtual Photo Gallery
Beautiful photos of the Tatras
News and Updates
Slovak TV
Slovaci vo Svete (Slovaks in the World), program on Slovak Radio International
Radio Slovakia USA, programming from New York, in Slovak
The Daily Daily Slovak News in English
The Slovak Spectator
CzechMate Diary
Portal for Slovaks living abroad (in Slovak) (in Slovak)
Czech and Slovak Community News
Slovak (and Czech) Restaurants in USA
Sand Castle Winery in Erwinna, PA, owned by Slovaks
Monastery Restaurant (in Norfolk, VA)
Kolache House Bakery (in Fredericksburg, VA)
Chef Henry’s (in Longwood, FL)
Tabor i(n Portland, OR)
Bohemian Hall and Beer Garden (New York City)
Club 21, NYC
Milan’s Restaurant (in New York City)
Koliba Restaurant (in Astoria, New York City)
Czech and Slovak Restaurants in Chicago
There is also an extensive list at
Know other restaurants? Please let me know.
Slovak Restaurants in Slovakia
Salaš Krajinka near Ružomberok, specializing in the making of traditional Liptov cheeses.
Salaš Zbojská, salaš (shepherd house) and traditional restaurant near Brezno
Koliba u Sv. Krištofa, traditional restaurant just outside of Banská Bystrica
Žlté Piesky my dad’s restaurant in Banská Bystrica (currently under renovation)
Language Practice
Slovak translation service
Beginner Slovak Language Lessons (by Marek Hlavac)
Akademia Slovenčiny, Slovak language course in Bratislava
Discussion forum on
Hi Lubos,
there is also the Slovak Spectator, which is pretty useful when it comes to news from the Slovak region.
Good job on the site, keeps getting better…
Thanks! Just added it.
For recipes on Slovak food (sometimes with balkan twist), unfortunatelly only in Slovak see
Novinky a recenzie zo Slovenska. Cestovatelsky portal a recepty na
slovaks and czech on the western coast on facebook
Thanks Valerian. I checked out the group and turns out I know few people who are already members. It’s a small (Slovak) world in the USA.
(I also slightly modified your comment since the URL wasn’t linking properly)
Milí priatelia slovenského jazyka!
To all friends of slovak language!
Je nový anglicko-Slovenský slovník ( v internete. Vsetci mozu zapísat do toho slovníka slová aj frázy. Potom ini pouzivatelia kontroluju ale opravuju tie slová. Ja sa ucím po slovensky od dvoch rokov a tam zapísem moje prvé slová.
Zial nie sù to mnohì pouzivatelia – pomoc je vítaný! Mohli by ste prosím navstivit internetovú adresu (« Mitmachen ») a kontrolovat niekolko slov. (To je samozrejme bezplatne!)
There`s a new english-slowak online-dictionary “” ( where everyone can participate in posting or correcting words or phrases.
Sad to say there are only few participating in the English-Slovak section. So help is needed ( „Contribute“) and new participants are cordially invited
Of course it`s all for free!
Dakujem pekne
Many thanks and best regards
Susanna (Austria)
Cau Susanna, thanks for the link and good luck with your learning of Slovak. Looks like you have made quite a bit of progress already. Being in Austria, you probably have easy access to Slovakia and to Slovak language books. But, if you are looking for books online, you can order Slovak language books from, Wish you all the best, Slovak (and all other Slavic languages) are quite difficult and I admire any non-native who manages to master the intricacies of Slovak grammar.
Sorry – I mixed up the links for the german-slovak and the english-slovak section of the dictionary “” in my fist comment some minutes ago.
It’s for the english-slowak online-dictionary and for german-slovak.
Best regards
sorry but that site is sooo off in translation. Google language tools will do much better
E.g., I typed “cukor” and got interpretation for “kufor, svokor, vrecko, utorok, uhorka, etc.) but none for “cukor”
however, there is a link on that page to anglicko-slovensky slovnik, and that got most of things right.
Sure – you`re right, if you look at it that way. For the time being, there are undoubtably more entries in or
But the benefit of a dictionary based on user-contributions is the possibility to add all the words or phrases you consider useful. This might be special cooking-vokabulary as well as any other.
For me, the fascination lies in building up a high quality vokabulary rather than in competing in quantity…
Best regards
Ahoj, chci Vam nabidnout vzajemne uvedeni odkazu (linku) na nase stranky. Jiz jsme spolu komunikovali, na nasich strankach jsme zverejnili clanecek o Vasem webu na teto adrese
a odkaz na Vas web mame uveden v rubrice Odkazy v sekci USA.
Byli bychom velmi radi, kdybyste mohl na Vasich strankach tez uvest odkaz na nas –
Srdecne zdravi Jarda
Správy zo Slovenska v angličtine
Thanks Eli, I have added their site.
Lubos, did I tell you about The Monastery in Norfolk, VA? It is a great restaurant owned by
Anna and Adolf Jerabek – he is from Morava, she is from eastern Slovakia. Fabulous food. They advertise it as austrian/hungarian/german, but it has many dishes just like at home in Slovakia. if you want to check it out.
The restaurant looks awesome, I just added it to the links above. Will make sure to visit them when the beach season rolls around again.
HI, my cousins in Slovakia just found your website for me. It’s a gem and can’t wait to start using the recipes. Added bonus is the grammar lessons and other links. Beats searching the web. Thank you and keep it coming.
Hello everybody,
I’m glad for findind this website! I’ve sent the link to my boyfriend (he is spanish) and he’s trying the recipes at home one after another. He love’s our food!
I’d like to contribute here as well! So, I found in web an offer of intensive courses of slovak language in Bratislava.
The price for the course is very good and I made my german course in Vienna in that language school so I can really recommend them.
Maybe it can help to some eager slovak learners
Thank you Lucia! I just added the link. It’s good to know about this company. I am thinking about moving back to Slovakia for a year or two after I finish school to spend time with my family, and my girlfriend will likely come along. She doesn’t speak any Slovak. She is Colombian – so kind of similar to your boyfriend over there.
Hello Lubos —
I just found a link for The Slovak Institute in North America, it’s located in Cleveland Ohio. Have you heard of it?
My name is Janusz. I live in NY and i run Polish deli. In my area lives a lot of czech and slovak people. I want to get some products for them but i dont know any wholesale or distributor of this kind of products like Horcica Kremzska, matoni water etc. If some body can help me with this please contact me
Thank you
We invite you to learn Slovak online and for free!
“Slovak Online” ( ) is a multilingual website to learn the Slovak language. The portal contains language courses at different levels (A1 and A2) with many exercises, games, dictionaries and grammar references. The users can communicate with each other through forums and an internal messaging system. In addition, the page offers information about Slovakia’s geography, history, and culture.
Where can I buy a “Haluska pan”?
Try the Slovak Import Company,
what is “Haluska pan”? If I knew, maybe I could help but seriously I don’t know what it is.
per Lubos suggestion, he thinks it’s haluskar, easy way how to drop halusky into boiling water.
I bought one like this on the last Czech Slovak bazaar, it comes from this company
it’s Italian based not sure they ship to the US. Darn, one of these days I’ll dive into it and start internet import/export business with Slovak food and utensils
Another link to consider.
My old friend from Texas referred me to this meat place in his neighborhood, that also sells and delivers over the net. It’s run by old czech butcher family making their own sausages, bacon, smoked meat, fresh meat, etc.
He sent me a gift package some years ago, and it was pretty good!
Hi Lubos, Boy you are so knowledgeable. My mom’s family is from Luxembourgh, my dad’s was eastern Europe somewhere, we really do not know. When I was little the language was spoken but never were we allowed to try and speak it. That was from both sides. Grandma would say her rosary at nite in the word. She would let me lay next to her and listen but NEVER interrupt. I am much older now & I know that what was spoken was not German. It sounded very glutteral, like from deep within the throat. Does that make sense? Anyway we grew up with food so much of what I see here. I remember boiled pork hocks, sauerkraut, crocks of cabbage, all kinds of cheeses etc. My grandma wld thicken w/sliced potatoe. One dish she made was a boiled pork roast of sorts & somehow she made a sauerkraut gravy??? It was served over mashed potatoes. Almost everything was boiled, cooked in the same water. The boiled pork roast was sliced & served w/the mashed potatoes & sauerkraut gravy. I know she put whole cloves in the water. I’m sorry this is so long but when I ran across your site it was like being back w/family. Always in the kitchen. I’m from WI. so was wondering if this was some hot spot for this nationality? Will be getting back to you. Take care.. . Sue.
It could be Dutch language.
Some wrote in recently that they had eaten hurka . Can you tell me where I can buy some.
helen, not sure where you can buy it, I am sure there are some local outfits that makes and sell them but I think if you want one you will have to make it on your own, as hurka is a fresh “stuff” and thus if it’s not from a local source it won’t work.
That is frustration in trying to buy a Slovak food stuff, stuff has to be fresh, meaning a local maker and delivery, when it comes to hurka, it has to be fresh and thus difficult to buy over Internet
Oh BTW, you can buy it from geiers, german sausage store in Sarasota FL. They ship all over the US
Miro will try the sausage store in Florida for hurka.
The person looking for a haluskar–I have a german spaezle (spelling) maker that looks very similar. I bought it at a regular cooking supply store.
Do you know of Zlata Praha in Astoria, Queens? They have great dumplings!
What about Burciak? I visited western Slovakia in September last year and a year later, i find that i’m craving the sweet drink! It seems like it would be simple. Can anyone tell me how I could make it here in NA? Phil.
Hi Phil!
Burciak is just very young (and thus not all done) wine with less alcohol but still some sugar and taste of grapes left. So you can only get it in autumn while the work on the new wine is still “in progress”.
As I’m Austrian, I don’t know if there’s a word for in English or if you can buy it in the US.
But if you just fancy the taste you could try to mix wine with some club soda and apple juice
Best regards
…of course it ought to be grape juice, not apple juice.
As the first non-slovak (English/Hungarian) in my husbands family, I am looking for a person/website that has a dumpling maker. My mother-in-law brought these back for each of her 4 daughters when she made a trip. It was a year before we married 40 years ago. It looked like a frying pan (stainless?) that you held over the pot of water with a holes in the bottom. Can anyone help me? Thanks. Carolyn
Carolyn, I think I’ve already posted the link but not sure when and in which thread.
I am using this and it works very well, and it’s not expensive. You can order it from Target on-line dumpling maker
I would like to buy a bogracs for gulyas. Where can I find good ones?
hi guys, i live in MD and was wondering if there are any “slavic” grocery stores or any place i can buy slovak/czech stuff in the metro DC area. thanks
hanka, I live in DC area for 35 years. In the past there were some stores selling slovak/czech stuff, but they are all gone. I used to go to a “hungarian specialties” store in Fairfax, they sold a slovak specialties as well, but the store is long time gone.
The only one I know that is close to slovak/czech stuff, is a polish specialty store
not much of czech/slovak but its close (especially when it comes to meat/klobasy).
It’s a shame as DC area is really international community and Slovaks/Czechs should have some better representation. Oh well
well thats a shame!i guess they didnt make a lot of money… i just moved here from scotland where there is a polish supermarket in every corner. one also had a decent range of svk/cz stuff like zlaty klas, tatranky etc. and since the rest of the stuff is similar i used to shop there. i might pop into that deli if i am in the area… thanks Miro!
oh yeah one more thing… i say a banner for a slavic food festival in silver spring late last year… anyone know when or where another one will be? thanks
I am not sure if you would add it as a link but I have been watching one Slovak tv channel over the internet at I like to watch the news (spravy). You can watch it live if your connection is good enough but I usually watch the archived version. It has helped my vocabulary.
Thanks George, I just added the link.
Hi, if you want try Czech recipes, or read about traditions in Czech republic, I can recommend:
Wanted to let you know about a Czech & German restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas, called The Pantry. It’s great!
I’d like to find out more? I’d love to find out some additional
Why users still use to read news papers when in this technological world everything is presented on web?
How about a link to the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library in Cedar Rapids, IA? The museum side of the organization has extensive collections from both countries and brings exhibits from those countries to their galleries. The library side has a collection that brings in researchers from around the country and the world, and those of you doing genealogical research will find useful links to on-line resources. Here is the web address:
I was looking thru your web site and noticed Slovak House / Toronto – I believe your link may be incorrect. I found the web site at –
You may wish to update your link
thank you for giving me this opportunity, which I have been waiting for it
some time to learn the language